La conscience
- il y a 30000 études et ouvrage sur la conscience jusqu'en 2003
La conscience offre un avantage adaptatif (en darwinisme) :
- un groupe qui se coordonne de façon consciente s'adapte mieux que s'il se coordonne de façon inconsciente (contrairement à d'autres formes de coordination comme la morphogénèse)
John-Joe Mc Fadden "Quantum Evolution, a new science of life" présente une approche de la conscience volontaire à partir d'une théorie quantique de l'évolution (cité par Jean-Paul Baquiast)
Rubrique : complexité
Par J-M Cornu
| Avant
| 26/12/2004 10:42
| Après
| Complexité
8 commentaires
| Lu 8317 fois
par Anonyme, le Lundi 17 Avril 2006, 03:24
Répondre à ce commentaireAvec la vague du liberalisation qui a envahi le monde il yavait une fiévres d'idées purement philosophiques selon lesquelles l'homme ne saurait ce qu'une personnification de deux caractéres fendamentaux le subjectivisme qui ne peut du fait de sa nature etre régi par des fomules mathématiques rigides et par la suite d'une logique qui n'admet pas un chiffre aute que 3 pour la somme de 1 et 2 .things existence in nature is direct and definit the human being as a being reflects a state of existence where his body which is his material side melts with the being that thinks critecises reasons and guesses what make sens to his existence .the man is aware in a theorical image because he is faced with a dearly awareness of his feelings moreover he is faced with the battle of his existence that he has to win by the mental activity and that is his weapon againts a boring life the one of animals so he makes his life interesting by work and innovation .man can not realize an achievement unless he satisfy a sufficient dcale of consciousness .the ceation is the fruit of changing the externel world to a product that is a miror of the psychological state of the artisi and that is why you can know the author from his writings . the creation is a way to provide a knowledge of the world but more than just that a way to clarify what I will define as widly stange and unclear in the world and a way to make people happy .this transformation of the externel world begins from the early age and is introduced by a practical transformation of things when a little child throw a small rock in water he is caugth by fascination that is a creatio of something he guessed inside of him .reflexions on Hegel's and Kant's philosophy .
1 - la conscience entre le dualisme et le relativismepar Anonyme, le Lundi 17 Avril 2006, 02:28 Répondre à ce commentaire